Useable information, delivered in real time by
practical, reliable hardware.
AI Camera
The AquaWatch AI camera is a state-of-the-art device that uses the latest technology to gather visual data and provide sophisticated insights into water quality monitoring. It can analyse weather patterns, detect anomalies, and much more.
The camera goes beyond capturing images by synthesizing vast amounts of information to generate actionable results. It also stands out for its ability to run multiple programmes simultaneously.

Floating array of Sensors
The AquaWatch water monitoring system consists of sensors that measure water health key indicators of dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature, pH, ammonium, and conductivity. These sensors provide real-time data on key water quality indicators, which can be used to make informed decisions about water management, protect aquatic ecosystems, and improve human health.
This water quality monitoring hardware can be deployed in a variety of aquatic environments. The real-time, data collected by the sensors can be used to monitor changes in water quality over time, identify pollution sources, and track the effectiveness of remediation efforts.
Visual Intelligence
AquaWatch Environmental Intelligence
(AEI) uses the AW-108 camera to capture high-resolution images and process them on-device. This reduces data noise and creates targeted datasets for training accurate AI models.
Our AI Camera captures high-quality images in diverse conditions, processes data on-device for efficient dataset compilation, learns and adapts over time, reducing human intervention.
Find out more about the process we use to identify specific environmental challenges, collect high-fidelity visual data, train machine learning models to detect early signs of environmental issues and refine outcomes.

Water Health Score
A Revolutionary Index for Swimmable Freshwater
Traditionally, water health has been assessed through sporadic tests, offering a limited snapshot of its true condition. The AquaWatch Index disrupts this paradigm with a groundbreaking approach that continuously monitors waterways to reveal their swimmability and capacity to support a thriving ecosystem.
This water quality score that goes beyond just chemical levels, encompassing the entire, continuous picture of a waterway's health.
Predictive Water Management
AquaWatch's commitment to customisation and innovation enables us to empower stakeholders from various sectors to proactively monitor water quality and preserve our vital water resources.
Our cutting-edge software transforms raw data into actionable insights, making water quality monitoring both meaningful and readily accessible to our clients across diverse industries. Whether it's the agricultural sector, the construction industry, councils, or water authorities, our adaptable approach ensures that our water quality monitoring and AI-capable cameras can be seamlessly integrated into your operations, reporting requirements and impact outcomes.
We can weave together satellite analysis, operational information, land use mapping, topographical information, water quality data, visual alerts, and weather measurements to provide daily information on water quality monitoring, and long term plans for proactive land use to protect waterways.