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Be Part of the Solution- AquaWatch Launches Free Waka Trials for Water Monitoring

Today we are pleased to announce the launch of a free trial programme for our Waka, a cutting-edge water monitoring tool. This initiative empowers individuals and organisations, who are committed to improving water health, to experience the transformative power of this continuous water monitoring system.

AquaWatch Waka - Water Quality Monitoring Tool

The free trial will enable those who want to be part of proactive water quality management to trial two of the AquaWatch Waka for three weeks so they can gain insights into the health of their waterways through the amalgamation of multi-point, real-time data.

“This offer underscores our dedication to fostering a collective effort towards healthier water,” says Abi Croutear-Foy, Managing Director. “By enabling these free trials, we are empowering users to experience the benefits of the AquaWatch Waka so they can assess the impact it is possible to achieve. We want to show people how easy it is to be part of the solution”. 

The AquaWatch Waka enables:

  • Real-time monitoring of key water health indicators including dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature, pH, and conductivity.

  • Data delivered straight to the user through internet connectivity. 

  • Accurate insights for analysis via trend charts.

  • Alerts and swift reactions to environmental changes and threats

  • Cost efficiencies due to less maintenance and time needed in the field

  • Proactive and informed decision making and planning through the amalgamation of massive, real-time data over long time frames.

By offering two waka, which can be stationed at two locations, this enables the comparison of water-in and water-out across the same body of water, enabling users to track and monitor for changes. This free trial programme is designed for individuals and organisations committed to environmental stewardship, including councils, water utility managers, environmental NGOs, local water catchment groups, government bodies responsible for water management and research institutions.

“Together we can more proactively manage the health of aquatic environments,” says Croutear-Foy. “At a time when we are facing massive water challenges AquaWatch is here to provide the latest solutions to restore the quality of our lakes and rivers and improve water health.”

Register for your free trial today

You can experience AquaWatch's cutting-edge technology at no cost and take the first step towards improved water health through advanced insights and reporting. Join us in safeguarding our water resources for ourselves and future generations. Register with AquaWatch today to claim your free trial and become part of the solution.



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